You can craft an electro resonance stone to help with your last electroculus. After it's activated, head back to this marked location. Beneath the place where two hills colides. . Electroculus #21370 Shiri. Aside from tracking them in the interactive map, you can use the gadget 'Electroculus Resonance Stone' to trail the. Head to the tiny island roughly north of this location, where you'll find a trigger switch with an enemy nearby. the hardest ones for me are the liyue ones where the geoculus are very high up. Use the thunder sakura to summon an Electrogranum and head to the direction to get. You can find Genshin Impact Grand Narukami Shrine Underground Electroculus location following. 181 Electroculi can be found in Inazuma. Characters For Version 3. Electroculus Interactive Map Solve the Underground Puzzle. Complete the puzzle (make all the 5 blocks facing to the shrine) 8. Electroculus is a new item that was recently added to Genshin Impact. That’s where the tips people write on the interactive map come in handy. . 1. . 00:00 1. ↳ Philanemo Mushroom Farm Route. 00:00 1. You should see the steel gate if you’re standing near the water. Electroculus Explained. Welcome to my channel! I am a Genshin Impact player from the CN server. 35. 95 Electroculus LocationAll inazuma Hidden AchievementAll inazuma new. 00:00 Seraimaru Electroculus 100:37 Seraima. It also involves some stuff in the comments that revolve around the Pyro Torch Puzzle after using the. . . You can see where to find all Electroculus Genshin Impact following th. In area 2, the location of all the available Electroculus in Byakko Plain, Inazuma City, and Amakane Island are given. (Request Sacred Sakura Lv. Go to the top of the Dragonbone Flower, near the entrance to Enkanomiya, and water it using the Waters of Lethe. Enlarge. It is where the Inazuma. How to get All Narukami Island Electroculus in Genshin Impact. Tsurumi Island Puzzle Guides Tsurumi Island Fog and Mist. Go down through the main entry staircase and you will see the below image location. They may be hidden in the bushes. In other words, it will take many hours of exploration before you can find all the Genshin Impact Electroculus. A continuación te dejamos con la ubicación de todo los Electróculus disponibles en la. 11. You'll need to summon another Electrogranum at this location in order to reach the electroculus hanging high in mid-air. 4. 63: This Electroculus is also hidden by leaves against a cliff face. . Here you can see Elec. 00:00 Electr. And then once started using them, I found a lot of them randomly (thanks to 300s cooldown) and ended up having 23 unused stones. Eastern Shore Of Jakotsu Mine. Gamers will find more than enough fresh features in the latest patch, such as the highly anticipated Inazuma region, new characters, and collectibles like the Electroculus! What is an Electroculus? Electroculus are collectible elemental energy crystals that can be discovered all over. Genshin ImpactHello friends! This is me finding a super cool underground tunnel, accessible through the well at Araumi, Inazuma. All Inazuma World Quest List. There are 95 Electroculus in total available in Inazuma. Jump and grab the Electroculus floating in the middle of the. An Electroculus can be offered to one of Inazuma’s Statue of the Seven in exchange for rewards such as Adventurer EXP, Primogems, Electro Sigils, and Inazuma Shrine of Depths Keys. Find every interest points, events, chests, monsters and materials of Teyvat. Kannazuka Island. Follow the Seelie you see through a Thunder Barrier and up the stairway. Open the gate using the three keys and you’ll. Hidden Memories: Hidden Mercenaries: Into the Woods: Invisible Barrier: Irate Iron Chunk: Join the Eremites and Embrace a Wonderful New Life!Inazuma Shrine of Depths keys can be obtained as a reward for getting your Statue of the Seven to level 6. 0 update, and as you have probably noticed, it’s densely packed with content. Reply. 0. Today in Genshin Impact we're finishing the Electroculus farm and talking about the hardest ones to find. The map above displays all of the locations of all 38 Electroculus on Narukami island. In the End I Cannot Pass the electro wall, Some say that you need level 6 Electroganum. This electroculus sits over the large pillar stone here. Reply. Here is the Genshin Impact Inazuma (Watatsumi Island) Electroculus Location 11-21. 1: On the roof of the palace in Inazuma City. 4. Enlarge. Genshin Impact 2. Some of the electroculus are hidden and locked so you need to solve some puzzles and c. Will be back after that. 0. All 30 Kannazuka Electroculus Locations Genshin Impact. 0. Fly towards the giant tower with a hole inside to proceed underground. Location of 10 Hidden Treasure Chests in Inazuma City in Genshin Impact 2. Underneath the cliffs – hidden in an alcove high up. Here is the Genshin Impact Inazuma Electroculus Location 10-19. It is an archipelagic region that worships Raiden Shogun, the Electro Archon and God of Eternity — who is also the leader of its governing body, the Inazuma Shogunate. Ritou Castle Electrocul. Yashiori Island Electroculus 5/30. r/YoutubeGameGuides. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Rinzou's Letter Location. There are three electroculi located on the shipwreck that has long since become part of the land. 0. Tatara Arsenal Gate Keys are keys to open the Tatara Arsenal Gates located in the Tatarasuna area, Kannazuna Island. 6 update, Inazuma weapons, Inazuma Archon, & gimmicks. 13. 100. How to get Shirikoro Peak Secret Bird Wall Electroculus in Genshin Impact. . Check the link below for all 6 Iwakura Swordsmen. . 6. Semua hidden chest location di inazuma city genshin impact ada di video ini. Located infront of a waterfall. . All Konda Village Electroculus Locations Genshin Impact. Shortcuts: Yashiori Island (30 Electroculus) Kannazuka (27. Genshin Impact #30 Final Electroculus Location on Tsurumi Island. 1. Genshin Impact receives a massive. Here's the guide on how to access “Is This Novel Amazing?” Daily Commissions, full walkthrough and locations, and all rewards and achievements. In this video, I show the Hidden Electroculus under Shirikoro Peak in Genshin Impact. West Of Autake Plains What You'll Find: Thunderbird statue. Use the electrogranum it well lead to a small inland. 2. . . All Tsurumi Island Electroculus All 27/27 Genshin Impact game walkthrough. For which, in turn, you need either the intermediate Electrograna power or the Memento Lens. Reach Adventure Rank 30. Inazuma Specialties. ↳ Philanemo Mushroom Farm Route. 00:00 1. 2 update! Tsurumi Island will be available for exploration once the 2. . 12: Find the three Seelie. How to get All Koseki Village Electroculus in Genshin Impact. Guide includes electroculus locations, full interactive map of all locations tracker (finder), rewards in inazuma, tatarasuna narukami, & seirai island. . About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. . All Electroculus Locations Genshin Impact (95 Inazuma Electroculus) video. Follow that opening to get the hidden Electroculus and a Seelie there. Passing through a multiple Thunder. There is an Electroculus there so it is hard to miss. Have them all by the 3 fox statues. I've yet to do the archon quest. ☑️ Please Click the Link to S. Seiraimaru Relay Stone Puzzle Electroculus Genshin Impact video. Stay tuned! And check back again to get more updates as we will update this once a quest related to Chouji & his mother will appear on the game. Asakura is a guard within Inazuma City. Lokasi 13 chest rahasia di inazuma city. Underwater Shirikoro Peak Electroculus Genshin Impact game walkthrough. Tatarasuna Ceiling Electroculus Und. ( + 1 hidden achievement) Yay primoge. Narukami Island has the most electroculus available, so you can easily level your statues up there. 1. Electroculus, #15071 Araumi Underground water tunnels Genshin Impact g. Inazum. 1 - How to get the hidden Electroculus East on Watatsumi - Behind the fish SealIn order to manage to break the Seal with the Fish figure yo. But it is reachable via a Phase Gate located on the tip of the Northwestern peninsula off of Koseki Village. Finally, you have to use your own character to. October 13, 2021. . 11. Watatsumi Island is one of the islands in the Inazuma region released in Genshin Impact Version 2. All 29 Tsurumi Island Electroculus Locations Genshin Impact. Shirikoro Peak Hidden Bird Wall Electroculus Genshin Impact. How to get Inazuma City Underground Electroculus in Genshin Impact. The image below will help you locate it, so do check it out! Map Location. There’s also a time trial mechanism here. Climb on the big shell, look towards the building, and glide down. By collecting an item called Electroculus, players will level up their Statue of the Seven ranking in Inazuma. In total, there are 181 Eletroculus items around Inazuma in Genshin Impact. . All Watatsumi Island Electroculus Genshin Impact Locations video. Guide includes release date, Inazuma characters, location, map, 1. The first relay stone has to be connected to one of the discharge stones at the far end. Electroculi can be offered to any Statue of The Seven in Inazuma for rewards. 1! This includes Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island. The area spans across Ritou, its port of entry, to Mt. In the west of the forest of Chinju on Narukami Island is one of these locked articles. Inazuma released in 3 separate patches (first 3 islands, sangonomiya x seirai, tsurumi). The first two are relatively easy to find, but the third is all the way on top of a roof of a nearby building that will be easy to miss. How to get All Tsurumi Island Electroculus in Genshin Impact. Please do not hesitate to ask any question. How to Collect ElectroCulus below Sacred Sakura TreeLevel 17 Sacred Sakura Tree, and you're ready to go :)Support me: couple of minutes sailing around and now I’m 100 on both. 5. 1 brings hidden chests to Inazuma. . This one is inside a barrier at the north side of Fort Fujitou at the location marked by a yellow arrow in the picture below. double take. 2 - How to get the Electroculus Underwater (Underground) on Tsurumi islandFor more interesting Genshin Impact Videos, check out the links be.